We love this idea, but what do you think?
Pose a question about a specific ‘quirk’ or way of life that you’ve witnessed or experienced in this great country of ours and all of us at Hopper-Inc will discuss it at our next staff meeting and decide for you as to whether or not it’s weird or Americana.
Example: Citizen: The other day, I had an argument with my neighbor (again) and he ended his rebuttal with “Oh yeah? Well f*** you too ... and the horse you rode in on!” Hopper-Inc: We've researched this thoroughly and have concluded the rudeness is a basic characteristic among the people of this country. We, at Hopper-Inc, don't condone rudeness but applaud the creativity that can sometimes be intertwined within its composition and delivery. For that reason, it's not weird. It's Americana.
AuthorI'm just a guy pushing an idea or two. ArchivesCategories |
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