Barboursville Explained as a Root-2 System
Alright Geometry fans ... this could happen.
The home known as Barboursville was designed by Thomas Jefferson in 1817 for the Virginia Governor James Barbour and is located in Orange County, Virginia; northeast of Charlottesville. The structure suffered a fire in 1894 but walls and columns remain. Jefferson supplied Barbour with a drawing including a plan, elevation and specific notes that detailed particular dimensions and construction material quantities. Additionally, Jefferson allowed Barbour’s builders access to Monticello as a point of reference for construction techniques. Barboursville is visually similar to Monticello’s west entrance and central core of rooms. Its uniqueness is how it represents a root-2 proportional system that ties the elevation to the plan. This concept is evident when considering the dome Jefferson had planned as an option but which Babour chose not to use.
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