He Just Took Tips! The Punchlines Book © 2015
When you hear a good joke that really makes you laugh, it sticks with you, especially the punchline. Everybody always remembers the punchlines to jokes they really like, even if they don’t always remember the set-up that led to that punchline.
“And don’t call me Shirley.”
During everyday conversation do you hear things that sound like punchlines?
We do.
And we try to remember them and write them down.
“Two Shirley’s don’t make a Shelly.”
Some we’ve just made up and they strike us really funny.
“Wait, if that’s the Christmas goose, then what the hell did we just eat for supper??”
So, here they are, just punchlines, to make you laugh.
Or raise an eyebrow.
Or look confused.
Or look confused because you don’t know how to raise just one eyebrow.
Or roll your eyes.
Probably all of these.
Why? Because the punchlines just keep coming to us...it's hard to be productive when you can't stop laughing...we may never finish!
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